Δημοσιεύσεις – 2019

  1. Bocchini, G. M., Novikova, T., Papadopoulos, G. A., Agalos, A., Mouzakiotis, E., Karastathis, V., & Voulgaris, N. (2019). Tsunami Potential of Moderate Earthquakes: The July 1, 2009 Earthquake (Mw 6.45) and its Associated Local Tsunami in the Hellenic Arc. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 1-19.
  2. Chousianitis, K., & Konca, A. O., 2019. Intraslab deformation and rupture of the entire subducting crust during the 25 October 2018 Mw 6.8 Zakynthos earthquake. Geophysical Research Letters 46. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019GL085845
  3. Daskalakis, E., Panagiotopoulos, C.G., Tsogka, C., Melis, N.S., Kalogeras, I., 2019. Stretching Method-Based Operational Modal Analysis of An Old Masonry Lighthouse. Sensors 19, 3599.
  4. Del Gaudio, V., Pierri, P., Chousianitis, K., 2019. Influence of site response and focal mechanism on the performance of peak ground motion prediction equations for the Greek region. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 125, 105745.
  5. Ferrier, Graham, Richard Pope, Athanassios Ganas, 2019. Prospectivity mapping for high sulfidation epithermal porphyry deposits using an integrated compositional and topographic remote sensing dataset. Ore Geology Reviews 107, 353-363 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2019.02.029
  6. Ferrier, G., Ganas, A., Pope, R., Jo Miles, A. 2019. Prospectivity Mapping for Epithermal Deposits of Western Milos Using a Fuzzy Multi Criteria Evaluation Approach Parameterized by Airborne Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data. Geosciences 9, 116 https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences9030116
  7. Ganas, A., Elias, P., Kapetanidis, V, Valkaniotis, S., Briole, P., Kassaras, I., Argyrakis, P., Barberopoulou, A., Moshou, A., 2019. The July 20, 2017 M6.6 Kos Earthquake: Seismic and Geodetic Evidence for an Active North-Dipping Normal Fault at the Western End of the Gulf of Gökova (SE Aegean Sea), Pure and Applied Geophysics 176, 4177-4211 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00024-019-02154-y
  8. Giannaraki, G. Kassaras, I., Roumelioti, Z., Kazantzidou-Firtinidou, D., and Ganas, A. 2019. Deterministic seismic risk assessment in the city of Aigion (W. Corinth Gulf, Greece) and juxtaposition with real damage due to the 1995 Mw6.4 earthquake. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 17, 603-634 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10518-018-0464-z
  9. Hansen, S. E., Evangelidis, C.P., Papadopoulos, G.A., 2019. Imaging Slab Detachment within the Western Hellenic Subduction Zone. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, doi: 10.1029/2018GC007810.
  10. Kalapodis, N., Kampas, G., Ktenidou O.-J. (2019). Revisiting the fundamental structural dynamic systems: the effect of low gravity. Archive of Applied Mechanics 89, 1861–1884.
  11. Kapogianni, E., Kalogeras, I., Psarropoulos, P. et al. 2019. Suitability of Optical Fibre Sensors and Accelerographs for the Multi-disciplinary Monitoring of a Historically Complex Site: The Case of the Acropolis Circuit Wall and Hill. Geotech. Geol. Eng. 37, 4405–4419. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10706-019-00917-x.
  12. Mavroulis Σ, E Andreadakis, NI Spyrou, V Antoniou, E Skourtsos, et al. (2019). UAV and GIS based rapid earthquake-induced building damage assessment and methodology for EMS-98 isoseismal map drawing: The June 12, 2017 Mw 6.3 Lesvos (Northeastern Aegean, Greece) earthquake. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 37, 101169
  13. Mouslopoulou, V., Saltogianni, V., Nicol, A., Oncken, O., Begg, J., Babeyko, A., Cesca, S., Moreno, M., 2019. Breaking a subduction-termination from top-to-bottom: the 2016 Kaikōura earthquake, New Zealand. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 506, 221-230, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2018.10.020.
  14. Potirakis, S.M., Schekotov, A., Contoyiannis, Y., Balasis, G., Koulouras, G.E., Melis, N.S., Boutsi, A.Z., Hayakawa, M., Eftaxias, K., Nomicos, C., 2019. On possible electromagnetic precursors to a significant earthquake (Mw = 6.3) occurred in Lesvos (Greece) on 12 June 2017. Entropy 21, 241.
  15. Robertson, J., Meschis, M., Roberts, G.P, Ganas A., Gheorgiou, D., 2019. Temporally constant Quaternary uplift rates and their relationship with extensional upper-plate faults in south Crete (Greece), constrained with 36Cl exposure dating. Tectonics 38, 1189-1222. https://doi.org/10.1029/2018TC005410
  16. Ruhl, Christine J., Diego Melgar, Jianghui Geng, Dara E Goldberg, Brendan W Crowell, Richard M Allen, Yehuda Bock, Sergio Barrientos, Sebastian Riquelme, Juan Carlos Baez, Enrique Cabral‐Cano, Xyoli Pérez‐Campos, Emma M Hill, Marino Protti, Athanassios Ganas, Mario Ruiz, Patricia Mothes, Paul Jarrín, Jean‐Mathieu Nocquet, Jean‐Phillipe Avouac, Elisabetta D’Anastasio, 2019. A Global Database of Strong‐Motion Displacement GNSS Recordings and an Example Application to PGD Scaling. Seismological Research Letters 90, 271-279 https://doi.org/10.1785/0220180177
  17. Skilodimou, H.D., Bathrellos, G.D., Chousianitis, K., Youssef, A.M., Pradhan, B., 2019. Multi-hazard assessment modeling via multi-criteria analysis and GIS: a case study. Environmental Earth Sciences 78, 47. doi:10.1007/s12665-018-8003-4.