Seismic Anisotropy in the East Mediterranean Lithosphere: The Mw6.3
Karpathos Intermediate Depth Earthquake of 22 January 2002 in
the Hellenic Arc
G.A Papadopoulos (1) , M. Ziazia (1) , A. Plessa
(1) , A. Ganas (1) , V.Karastathis (1), N. Melis (1) , G. Stavrakakis
(1) Institute of Geodynamics , National Observatory
of Athens, 11810 Athens , Greece, g . papad @
1. Introduction
On 22 January 2002 , 04:53:54.3 UTC , a Mw6.3 (USGS)
or M L 6.1(Geodynamic Institute , National Observatory of Athens,
NOAGI) earthquake of intermediate focal depth ( ? 100 km ) focusing
near Karpathos (35.56 0N, 26.73 0E ), east part of the South Aegean
Sea (Fig. 1), shook a large part of the East Mediterranean Sea
. Felt areas were extended, by hundreds of kilometers, into remote
places like Egypt , Cyprus and Israel . The asymmetric propagation
of seismic energy radiated by intermediate depth shocks in the
Hellenic arc was described in the past from both macroseismic
observations and records of displacement and velocity short-period
seismometers (see a review in Papadopoulos ,1991) .
The Karpathos shock is the first strong intermediate depth event
in the Hellenic arc that can be studied on combined broadband
records and macroseismic intensity observations , thus providing
an excellent opportunity to reexamine the pattern of energy propagation
and its possible causes. In this preliminary report we utilize
broadband records and macroseismic observations collected from
stations and observation points located at hypocentral distances
up to about 900km , that is from the area of Greece and the Eastern
Mediterranean Sea .

Figure 1 . Epicenter of the Karpathos earthquake
of 22 January 2002 and its focal mechanism according to USGS .
Circles indicate macroseismic intensities .
2. Past Cases
The main, large- scale geodynamic feature that controls
the seismicity in the Hellenic arc and trench system is the active
subduction of the Mediterranean lithosphere beneath the South
Aegean Sea . The dynamic interaction between the Mediterranean
and the Aegean lithospheric plates results in the generation of
shallow earthquakes in the broad Aegean Sea area and of intermediate
focal depth earthquakes in the South Aegean Sea. Besides , intermediate
depth seismicity may be of particular interest for understanding
better volcanism in island arc structures since there is evidence
that the two phenomena are geodynamically related (e.g. Papadopoulos,
1986, 1987).
One of the most important properties of the intermediate depth
seismicity is the pattern of irregular geographic distribution
of seismic intensities which was described by a number of authors
(e.g. see in Ambraseys, 2001, for recent results and a short-review).
The pattern of seismic anisotropy incorporates a component of
high seismic conductivity towards the Mediterranean Sea, that
is towards the subducting lithosphere, and a component of low
seismic conductivity in the direction of the Central and North
Aegean Sea, that is in the back-arc domain. Seismic intensities
of degree III or even higher in 12-point intensity scales were
typically reported as far as South Italy , Malta , Cyrenaica ,
Egypt ,Cyprus , Israel and Palestine, that is at epicentral distances
up to 800km and more. On the contrary, such intensity values were
not observed even at half distances towards the Central and North
Aegean Sea. In addition, Papazachos and Comninakis (1971) and
Delibasis (1982) presented instrumental evidence indicating a
similar pattern in the seismic energy propagation due to the strong
attenuation of mainly the shear waves towards the back-arc area.
This was attributed rather to the anisotropic seismic energy propagation
than to soil conditions that may locally amplify seismic wave
amplitudes. A plausible geophysical explanation is that seismic
waves traveling through the cold and dense lithoshperic slab subducting
from the Mediterranean to the Aegean Sea do not attenuate significantly.
However, the hot asthenospheric wedge dominating the back-arc
region of the Aegean Sea area absorbs strongly the seismic energy(e.g.
Hashida et al., 1988).
In earlier times magnitudes up to about Ms8.0 were assigned to
intermediate earthquakes occurring in the instrumental era . More
recent examinations , however, showed that this was rather an
exaggeration possibly due to the extra large felt areas of such
earthquakes which were taken into account in the magnitude calculation.
In view of this one may argue that it is quite realistic for magnitudes
up to 7-7.5 to be observed in association with the intermediate
depth seismicity of South Aegean Sea.
3. Observational Material
3.1 Instrumental observations
Broadband records coming from nineteen stations
of the national seismograph network of NOAGI were processed .
Hypocentral distances range from 110 km to 690 km. The ratio A
= S a / P a was calculated from a number of records to determine
large-scale anisotropic seismic energy propagation, where S a
and P a is the maximum amplitude of the S and P waves , respectively.
Two groups of stations were considered : the first includes stations
lying in the front -arc domain while the second includes the stations
lying in the back-arc domain.
3.2 Macroseismic observations
The macroseismic data used were compiled from about
120 NOAGI standard questionnairies completed on the responsibility
of local authorities in a respective number of observation points.
Many of them were verified through a procedure of rapid telephone
or e-mailing interviews with local earth scientists and / or civil
protection officers . Press reports and macroseismic information
sent by seismological institutes were taken into account for some
observation points located in Cyprus , Israel and Egypt. Macroseismic
intensity in each observation point was evaluated in both modified
Mercalli scale (MM) and EMS- 92 scale . Identical intensity degrees
were found for nearly all the observation points. Only intensity
values equal to or larger than II were considered.
4. Results
Plots of A as a function of hypocentral distance
, D , reveals quite different patterns in the two arc domains
as far as the vertical components of the records are concerned.
In the front- arc domain, the ratio A gradually increases by a
factor of ~2.5 while in the back-arc domain A gradually decreases
by a factor of ~3 up to at least D = 750km (Fig. 2) . This means
a much higher S-wave amplitude decrease in the back-arc region
with respect the front-arc region. This pattern is compatible
with the macroseismic intensity distribution which indicates systematically
higher intensities in the front-arc domain with respect to the
back-arc domain. In fact , intensities observed in the front -arc,
like in Crete island, are systematically larger by about one degree
as an average from the intensities observed in the back-arc at
equal hypocentral distances (Figures 3a, b , c).
2. Variation of the ratio A (vertical axis) calculated from the
vertical component records with distance D (in km, horizontal
axis) in the front -arc domain (top) and the back-arc domain (bottom)
3a . Intensity attenuation in the front-arc region.
3b . Intensity attenuation in the back-arc region.
3c . Comparison of intensity attenuations in the front-arc and
back-arc regions.
5. Conclusion
Our preliminary results verify the anisotropic propagation
of seismic energy radiated by intermediate depth shocks in the
Hellenic arc . The high attenuation of S waves passing through
the low-velocity and low -Q material of the asthenospheric wedge
lying beneath the back-arc region , along with the relatively
low attenuation particularly of the S waves traveling through
the dense and cold subducting lithosphere , explains well the
large-scale anisotropy observed .
6 . References
Ambraseys , N.N., 2001. Far-field effects of Eastern
Mediterranean earthquakes in Lower Egypt . J.
Seismology , 5 , 263 -268.
Delibasis, N., 1982 . Seismic wave attenuation in the upper mantle
beneath the Aegean . Pure Appl.
Geophys. , 120 , 820 - 839.
Hashida, T. , Stavrakakis , G. and Shimazaki, K. , 1988. Three-dimensional
seismic attenuation
structure beneath the Aegean region and its tectonic implication.
Tectonophysics , 145, 43-54.
Papadopoulos , G.A. , 1986. Large intermediate depth shocks and
volcanic eruptions in the Hellenic arc
during 1800-1985. Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 43 , 47 -55.
Papadopoulos , G.A. , 1987. Large deep-focus shocks and significant
volcanic eruptions in convergent
plate boundaries during 1900-1980. Tectonophysics, 138, 223-233.
Papadopoulos , G.A., 1991. Seismicity and related phenomena in
the Hellenic arc : Their influence on
the Eastern Mediterranean region. In: M.J. Salem et al. (Eds.
) The Geology of Libya , v. 4,
Eslevier, 2441- 2449.
Papazachos, B.C. and Comninakis , P.E. , 1971. Geophysical and
tectonic features of the Aegean
arc. J. Geophys. Res . , 76 , 8517 - 8533.
According to the determinations of NOAGI ,
Athens , on 21 May 2002 at 20: 53: 30.8 and 6 June 2002 at 22:
35: 43.8 (UTC) another two strong earthquakes of magnitudes M
L 5.1 and M L 5.2 , focal depths of 97km and 93km and epicentral
coordinates 36.57 0 N , 24.31 0 E and 35.65 0 N , 26.22 0 E ,
occurred in the central and east parts of the South Aegean Sea
Wadati-Benioff zone , respectively, exactly as it was expected
from a seismic activity migration pattern described by Papadopoulos
(1989). Such a space - time clustering of strong, intermediate
depth earthquakes was also observed in the past in the South Aegean.
Although the processing of instrumental records is in progress
, a preliminary examination of some macroseismic data already
available verify the characteristic, anisotropic propagation of
seismic energy radiated by intermediate depth shocks in the Hellenic