
Natural Hazards in the Geosphere, the Hydrosphere and the Atmosphere  
Chair: Professor Christos Zerefos, President NOA



SE European Disasters Risk Assessment and Mitigation Network
Director: Dr. George Stavrakakis, e-mail: g.stavr@gein.noa.gr
Secretary: Dr. Gerasimos Chouliaras, e-mail: g.choul@gein.noa.gr  

National Observatory of Athens,
Lofos Nymphon,
11810 Thissio,
Tel: +30 210 3490102,
Fax: +210 3490120, 
Web: www.noa.gr


The National Observatory of Athens (NOA), UNESCO Chair of the Natural Hazards in the Geosphere, the Hydrosphere and the Atmosphere, established within the framework of UNESCO-BRESCE, the Secretariat of the South Eastern European (SEE) Disasters Risk Assessment and Mitigation Network, at the Institute of Geodynamics, in March 2007. The network is formed by research institutes from the fields of geology/geodynamics from the following countries: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and Turkey. The Director of the network is Dr. G. Stavrakakis and the Secretary is Dr. G. Chouliaras, Institute of Geodynamics, NOA, until March 2009. The human resources of The Institute of Geodynamics that contribute to the SEE network includes the academic staff (12 research scientists), scientific staff (6), technical staff (10) and administrative staff (2).

The main objective of the SEE Network is to elaborate and implement a sub-regional strategy for seismic risk assessment and mitigation in South-East Europe and to strengthen co-operation in the sub-region, and between the region and countries outside. To this end, the Network shall carry out the following:


(a) Foster bilateral and multilateral collaboration between participating and other institutions;

(b) Address issues concerning the training and mobility of young researchers in seismology, geophysics, tectonics and natural hazards (including software and hardware training)

(c) Organize sub-regional research workshops on given themes;

(d) Identify priority areas for research co-operation and elaborate projects to be carried out by participating research institutions;

(e) Prepare appropriate joint project proposals to be submitted to funding sources;

(f) Identify ways and means of sharing experience and research facilities, including the preparation of inventories of expertise and infrastructure;

(g) Seek better access to scientific literature and research data and link to large international projects such as GALILEO etc

(h) Promote and disseminate knowledge and experience in the respective countries

(i) Capacity building and Developing skills for decision making on Environmental Impact on Health: Extreme weather and Natural Disasters


Conferences/ Meetings

The “1st Seismic Risk Assessment and Mitigation Meeting” of the South Eastern European (SEE) Disasters Risk Assessment and Mitigation Network took place in Athens Greece on March 14-16, 2007. The meeting was organized by the Institute of Geodynamics- National Observatory of Athens and the following eight (8) countries were officially represented: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and Turkey. In total 29 people attended the meeting.


Multimedia material


Title: "1st Seismic Risk Assesment and Mitigation Meeting"

Year: 2007

CD ROM - Duration: 195 MB

Format: PPT

Language: English

Main keywords: Seismological Networks of The SEE Countries.


  • Forthcoming activities Organise a Training School for Young Scientists during 2007 (autumn 2007) in Athens.

  • Set up working groups: a) On Exchange of seismological data GROUP A and b) design and develop a Seismological Database for South-East Europe GROUP B. Groups will be populated during the next meeting.

  • Establish On-line Data Exchange for seismic monitoring and projects (to be determined between individual members).

  • Exchange experience in developing databases for seismic data. Establish Database of Seismological Data.

  • Initiate Scientific Missions and visits to Network Members.

  • The Network participates as a consortium in EU – FP7 Projects, NATO SfP, COST etc.

  • Invite Republic of Moldova – Albania – Italy – Slovenia – Cyprus – Hungary (check with UNESCO – BRESCE if they have signed the protocol).